
Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Imperfect Garden - the saga continues

So last year - too late last year - I (along with the help of my son and some friends) started this long time dream of a garden that would grow food for the nearby soup kitchen. 

Well, last year we harvested 'learning opportunities' for this year. But getting a reasonable start this year, we actually grew vegetables - totally organic - from this little mid-city garden!! Cool, eh! Especially for someone, like me, who continues to have little idea of how to do this. To me its all "cow poop, water, sunshine, and magic."

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Behind the scenes with a new teapot.

My good friend, and fellow shooter, Dave Barnes recently introduced me to a new ARC store in town. I love to browse the ARC stores every once-in-awhile, but this trip was specifically looking for tea stuff - David is starting a series of images of tea.

Well, I love tea as well. I took the opportunity to scan for a cool teapot - and bingo! There was this nicely shaped Alladin-style teapot for $5!! Cool, a traditional pot to contrast the modern one I had paid good money for recently. Neat. Maybe I'll replace one of the older pots. Probably not, but maybe. Oh, BTW, David also found some Victorian stuff that he was looking for. The plan was for me to assist him in producing his image ideas.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Colorado Balloon Classic!

Every year, around Labor Day, Colorado Springs hosts two important events: the Firefighter's Memorial Ceremony and the Colorado Balloon Classic.

The Firefighter's Memorial is an international event honoring those firefighters who have lost their lives in the line of duty during the last year.Each name is read aloud and inscribed on a wall in Memorial Park. It is a gorgeous, solemn ceremony of honor. Bagpipes and drums, the families of those being remembered, and representatives of fire departments from the U.S. and Canada.